Creativity and Risk Taking (Plus Passion) | Building a Life
Today, I want to talk about creativity and risk taking. I’ve been thinking a lot about passion and how it seems to have a strong influence on our ability to tap into our creativity and take the necessary risks to get where we’re trying to go. Each of these subjects makes my mind spin with ideas but for today I’m thinking about their intersection.
I often share what’s on my nightstand and ideas inspired from books that I’m reading. There are a wealth of sources for inspiration these days, another great one being podcasts. I’ve been listening to Chase Jarvis Live and love when he says that “creativity is the new literacy.”
If you want to have competency or knowledge in a certain area it’s starting to become more than just knowing facts or how to go through certain motions. Our own imagination, our own original ideas are going to be what makes us different and set us apart.
I don’t think that means we have to live in a bubble to be original. In fact, I took someone else’s advice to use someone else’s quote in order to get started writing this morning, in order to ignite my creativity. In Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon we learn to consider the value of getting inspired by learning more about the people we admire.
Speaking of people we admire, we went on a double date last night to see The Dawn Wall. It has been an embarrassingly long time since we’ve seen a movie in theaters. However, two climbing movies coming out recently is pretty awesome! Up next, Free Solo. There’s nothing like a climbing movie to inspire us to climb mountains, both the literal ones and the ones we’re climbing everyday by building our business and our lives.
Watching the power that a solid goal can have is inspiring. Perhaps more importantly, unwavering commitment to that goal is motivating. How moving to believe in a goal so completely that even if no one else believes it’s possible, you still fight for it. It reminded me of a long forgotten favorite quote from a kids movie, Bolt I think, “the impossible is possible if you are awesome.”
I sat there thinking, wow, so much sacrificed in the pursuit of this passion. And then even though I would have assumed that my next thought would be, “hope it was worth it.” My next thought was actually,
“wow, that’s what life’s about. No regrets, relentless pursuit, commitment to passion, belief in the impossible.”
I’ve been thinking a lot about how our mindset changes as we grow up. Are we expected to trade passion for wisdom or realism? I remember just after I entered the real world feeling super passionate, I was told I was naive. Conversely, as a kid my passion was cultivated, beliefs encouraged, and the impossible ignored. When does the appreciation of passion diminish? I’ve been reading Wisdom meets Passion by Dan Miller if you’re interested in the intersection.
As I write this we’re weeks away from having our second baby. Perhaps that is what is making me reflect on childhood and think about creating a good one for our own children. I am also reflecting on my own passion, both the times I pursue it relentlessly and the time I’ve stifle it and run from the risk.
risk taking
Depending on who you are reading this, you might not be able to imagine that I’m not a risk taker. After all, I quit a stable engineering job to build a photography business. I’m also a rock-climber and mountaineer. But you also know that there’s a continuum for everything. There are risk takers that make me feel like I’m holding back personally and professionally. Some rock climbers make what I do look leisurely (like Marc) and some that make what he does seem amateur (like Tommy.)
I’m not sure who said it, since I’ve been absorbing as much inspirational content as I can lately, but the more you practice going out of your comfort zone the easier it gets. When I went climbing the first time, I was terrified of the little things that now don’t affect me at all. The first year we had to buy our own health insurance was foreign but now it’s simply part of life. The first time I was trying to take photos of an intimate moment between a couple I felt self-conscious but now I cherish it and seek it.
creativity and risk taking (plus passion)
What do creativity, passion, and risk taking have in common? Why does passion help inspire our creativity and risk taking.
Well, sometimes creativity requires that you take a risk and listen to your passion. Sometimes it requires that you quiet the doubts in your mind in favor of listening to the voices that are telling you to create, share, and express.
And eventually maybe we’ll see that following our passion isn’t really a risk at all but rather an opportunity to live life, no regrets and open to possibility.
I’d love to hear from you! What risks do you feel called to take? How can you tap into passion to ignite your creativity?
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I’m Brenda Bergreen, one grateful half of a husband and wife photography team specializing in outdoor weddings and other adventures. Capturing people in nature and the mountain lifestyle is a passion that became a dream (that became a goal) that became a life.
Based in Evergreen, CO we travel throughout the state as Colorado mountain and adventure wedding photographers and videographers. We also frequently travel to California and other wedding destinations to document your love in a variety of memorable settings. Don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can help! Be sure to follow us (weddings instagram & adventures instagram) and/or like us (facebook) to stay tuned.
In the meantime, remember to…