children's adventure picture books

Children’s Adventure Picture Books

As you may know, we just launched our Adventure Kids book via Kickstarter! You can pre-order ABCs of Adventure and support the project now. In the meantime, I thought I’d share some of our favorite children’s adventure picture books!

These books are some of our kids favorites as well as ours. Reading them doesn’t get old, which is a lot to say for a kids book! We love instilling a love of the outdoors in our children.

Some of these books are poetic and touch a deep place in your heart. There are morals of friendship, happiness, and leading a simple life of adventure. The visuals are captivating and the stories are immersive.

childrens adventure picture books

our 8 favorite children’s adventure picture books

  1. The Boy Who Spoke to the Earth: The boy goes on a journey to beautiful and magical places in search of happiness but has to learn to really see!
  2. Finding Wild: Descriptive, visceral, and sure to instill a longing for wild.
  3. Henry Hikes to Fitchburg: Do we live to work or work to live? Can we work hard and play harder? Sometimes the journey is part of the adventure.
  4. Lost and Found: You don’t always know what you’re searching for but there is nothing like a perfect adventure buddy.
  5. The Antlered Ship: Some unlikely adventurers learn to overcome their fears and go on the trip of a lifestime.
  6. Where the Wild Things Are: A classic, a long time childhood favorite… and I can’t even explain why!
  7. Giraffes Can’t Dance: Discover what the moon and leaves have to teach you about what you’re capable of.
  8. Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots: In short, the answer is yes.

*Links to Amazon are affiliate links

children's adventure picture books

stay tuned

I’ll be putting out some content in the next few days and weeks for adventurous parents in honor of our adventure kids book launch. Be sure to sign-up for  our newsletter or check back in at the blog.

Thanks for stopping by to check out our favorite adventure children’s books! Don’t miss some of our other resources for adventurous families.

We are Marc and Brenda Bergreen. We’re a photography team specializing in adventure lifestyle and adventurous wedding photography. Above all our philosophy, love. adventurously. is the guidepost for everything we do.

Finally, be sure to follow us and/or like us  to stay tuned.

In the meantime, remember to…

love adventurously bergreen photography

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