managing wedding stress

3 Secrets to Managing Wedding Stress

In the coming weeks we’re going to talking about managing wedding stress. If you are engaged, this is an exciting time in your relationship. You are preparing to make a commitment to your partner surrounded by your closest friends and family. You are readying yourself for the next phase of your relationship. You are declaring your love to each other and the world. Somehow, all of that tends to get lost in the craziness of wedding stress which is something we want to help you avoid. Over the next few weeks we’ll talk about tackling some of those stressful tasks such as the guest list, timeline,  and the budget. Today, however, we’re keeping it simple without getting buried in any of the details. Below are 3 little secrets to managing wedding stress.
managing wedding stress

explore your expectations

Often stress comes from missed expectations, we wanted something to be a certain way and are disappointed when it’s not. We worry about how things “should be.” Expectations are a tricky thing. In marriage we say “I do” to a person as they are and for who they can become. We don’t enter wedlock with expectations to change someone, we already love who they are. The same should be for the rest of the wedding day. Easier said than done and it’s something that takes work. As we strive towards our goals it is a good practice to try to remain unattached to the outcome. This is a concept from yoga that when applied toward wedding planning can help reduce stress.

First, we define your expectations and get clear on what they are. That way they can’t surprise you or your partner. Second, get clear regarding your level of control. There are some things you can’t predict such as what the weather will be on your wedding day. It’s fine to plan, organize, and aim for your dream wedding. However, practicing non-attachment towards the things you really have no control over will help you be happier with the outcome.

trust your professionals

We always sit down with our wedding clients at the wedding gets closer to go over the final timeline and family picture lists. We make sure to ask if there are any special requests or details the couple has and we get on the same page regarding how the wedding day will go. Recently, we were talking with a couple about where they wanted to take portraits and their response we that they trusted us. I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to see a couple allow themselves one less thing to think or worry about because they know they hired someone to do that for them. You don’t have to create your wedding from scratch, you’re working with a variety of professionals who do this wedding thing every weekend and are here to help. We can give you guidance on the different ways things are done and the pros and cons of each. If you are early in the wedding planning stage, hire vendors that you trust and save yourself a lot of stress. Hire vendors whose style and personalities jive with your own. Check out our wedding photography advice post on finding vendors to match your style.acknowledge

the significance

Feeling overly emotional or stressed about something as seemingly simple as a seating chart? Recognize that it might have nothing to do with the seating chart and everything to do with the fact that you’re going through a big life transition. Wedding stress can be about more than the wedding itself. It can be about challenging family dynamics, a big change to your lifestyle, money, appearances, and expectations. These are natural emotions that come with preparing to get married but often instead of talking about the root of the issue couples are busy fighting over a guest list. Give yourself space to acknowledge the significance of what you’re about to do, allow yourself and your loved ones to have a variety of emotions over this life transition, and then use it all as lessons to increase communication and strengthen your relationship.

managing wedding stress

In summary:

  1. Explore your expectations, recognize you can’t control everything, and practice non-attachment
  2. Hire professionals that you trust and then let them do their job so that you have less to worry about.
  3. Acknowledge the significance of getting married and the impact it has on you, your partner, and your families. Recognize that some of your wedding stress is more about all of that and less about what flowers you choose.

FREE comprehensive e-guide: Prioritize your planning so your wedding is a memorable adventure.

Hope you found our secrets to managing wedding stress helpful. Be sure to download our free guide on prioritizing your wedding planning. Stay tuned to the Bergreen Blog for more wedding photography advice posts to assist in your wedding planning such as finding ceremony readings. In the weeks ahead we’ll tackle more aspects of managing wedding stress. If there are questions you have or tips you are looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch or comment below with how we can help!

We are Marc and Brenda Bergreen, a husband and wife photography team specializing in outdoor weddings and other adventures. As Colorado adventure wedding photographers we’re here to help you plan and capture your ideal mountain wedding.  We also frequently travel to California and other wedding destinations to document your love in a variety of memorable settings. Don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can help! Be sure to follow us (weddings instagram & adventures instagram) and/or like us (facebook) to stay tuned. In the meantime, remember to…

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